Christina Donka, CCH discovered homeopathy about 20 years ago while seeking an alternative to eye surgery for her young son. After one dose of some little white pellets, eye surgery was no longer necessary, and she was determined to learn more! After years of consulting professional homeopaths for family members and animal friends, studying at home, and helping family and friends herself, she decided to study formally. She graduated from the American Medical College of Homeopathy in Phoenix, AZ and completed her board certification through the Council for Homeopathic Certification.
Christina is a board-certified Holistic Nutrition Professional. She loves helping people learn how to use nourishing food as medicine and believes that nutrition coupled with homeopathy is a powerful combination for optimum wellness.
Also a Certified Public Accountant, Christina has a BS in Accounting from Purdue University and began her career at Arthur Andersen in Chicago. Christina is currently the Executive Director of the National Center for Homeopathy, combining past skills with the present, in order to facilitate homeopathy as it explodes into the future.